This elegant preserved flower bouquet combines fresh, hand-selected roses, anthurium, and ruscus leaves for a stunning new design. Using innovative preservation technology, these real flowers maintain their natural look and feel, lasting 2-3 years without fading. Handmade by skilled florists, each bouquet is crafted with high-quality blooms, making it an ideal gift for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or weddings. Perfect as a low-maintenance decor piece, it adds beauty to any room with no need for watering or upkeep—just keep away from direct sunlight and humidity.
Flower Bouquet Natural Real Roses and Anthurium
39,99 $
Brand: Amoueterno
Product Type: Rose
Color: Blue
Product Dimensions: 8.5″ Diameter x 5.1″ Width x 13.6″ Height
Usage: Indoor and Outdoor
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